• Tanya Stephens - Do you still care
Återigen vill jag att ni läser denna text av Tanya Stephens... Hon är helt enkelt den bästa låtskrivaren jag känner till, allt hon skriver om är så sant!!
Where Bubba Grew Up, Kept his tobacco chewed up,
And when they used to hang ropes, they always kep two up,
Had crosses burnin all night like the church blew up,
And if you didnt look like them, they would fuck you up.
Time passed, and Bubba turned 40 years old,
And all them Jack Daniels started taking a toll,
Seem like Bubba was about to make a final bow,
None of his friends from the clan couldnt help him now.
Family gathered at his bedside, ready to sing the blues,
When the doctor rushed in and said "Ive got some news!!!"
"The good news is, Bubba, Ive found you a liver, only bad news is, it belongs to a Nigger"
Do you still care, about the texture of his hair or the cocoa brown colour of his skin,
Do you still care, do you still give a damn now you're in the predicament you're in,
Do you still care, does it still mean a lot now,
You're the one who's needin the help,
Do you still care, do you still find it hard to love your neighbour as you love yourself now,
Tell me why cant you accept me as I am,
Just as I am now.
Where Bigga grew up, boys were supposed to be tough,
Girls were trophies every man always kept a few of,
When he was hurt and the tears would sting in his eyes,
His mother said "Stop di noise, yuh a girl? real boys dont cry!"
He learned in order to be a man he had to know how to fight,
And had some very difinitive rules bout whats wrong or right,
He never had the luxury of being able to choose,
So to him for being different, there was no excuse.
Bigga was hustling on the corner, makin some cash,
When he bumped into some beef that he had from the past,
He watched the guns raise and the bullets fly in disbelief,
As his friends all jumped in their rides,
Left him in the gutter didnt care if he died,
He was rescued by a car with plates that said 'Gay Pride',
It would have been fatal,
A shot in your head,
They saved your life, though you always said "Chi-chi fi dead!!"
Now do you care, bout the clothes that they wear,
Would you rather if they left you there,
Do you still care what your friends wanna think if they see you hangin out with a queer,
Do you still care, does it still mean a lot now, you're the one who's needin the help,
Do you still care, do you still find it hard to love your neighbour as you love yourself now,
Tell me why cant you accept me as I am,
Just as I am now.
And thats the reason why, war cant cease,
If yuh nuh look like me, me ago pop mi piece,
And thats the reason why we cant get along,
If yuh nuh do it my way then you doin it wrong,
And thats the reason why, Iraqui babies gonna cry,
And more Palestinians and Isrealies gonna die,
Thats the reason why the world is in pain,
We say we want peace fi reign, but a bullets again,
Now tell me why cant you accept me as I am,
Just the way I am now,
Tell me why cant you accept me as I am
Just the way I am woah...
(taget från letssingit.se)
Tanya Stephens har alltid ett budskap i hennes texter och jag kan säga att jag håller med om allt hon skriver!!
Where Bubba Grew Up, Kept his tobacco chewed up,
And when they used to hang ropes, they always kep two up,
Had crosses burnin all night like the church blew up,
And if you didnt look like them, they would fuck you up.
Time passed, and Bubba turned 40 years old,
And all them Jack Daniels started taking a toll,
Seem like Bubba was about to make a final bow,
None of his friends from the clan couldnt help him now.
Family gathered at his bedside, ready to sing the blues,
When the doctor rushed in and said "Ive got some news!!!"
"The good news is, Bubba, Ive found you a liver, only bad news is, it belongs to a Nigger"
Do you still care, about the texture of his hair or the cocoa brown colour of his skin,
Do you still care, do you still give a damn now you're in the predicament you're in,
Do you still care, does it still mean a lot now,
You're the one who's needin the help,
Do you still care, do you still find it hard to love your neighbour as you love yourself now,
Tell me why cant you accept me as I am,
Just as I am now.
Where Bigga grew up, boys were supposed to be tough,
Girls were trophies every man always kept a few of,
When he was hurt and the tears would sting in his eyes,
His mother said "Stop di noise, yuh a girl? real boys dont cry!"
He learned in order to be a man he had to know how to fight,
And had some very difinitive rules bout whats wrong or right,
He never had the luxury of being able to choose,
So to him for being different, there was no excuse.
Bigga was hustling on the corner, makin some cash,
When he bumped into some beef that he had from the past,
He watched the guns raise and the bullets fly in disbelief,
As his friends all jumped in their rides,
Left him in the gutter didnt care if he died,
He was rescued by a car with plates that said 'Gay Pride',
It would have been fatal,
A shot in your head,
They saved your life, though you always said "Chi-chi fi dead!!"
Now do you care, bout the clothes that they wear,
Would you rather if they left you there,
Do you still care what your friends wanna think if they see you hangin out with a queer,
Do you still care, does it still mean a lot now, you're the one who's needin the help,
Do you still care, do you still find it hard to love your neighbour as you love yourself now,
Tell me why cant you accept me as I am,
Just as I am now.
And thats the reason why, war cant cease,
If yuh nuh look like me, me ago pop mi piece,
And thats the reason why we cant get along,
If yuh nuh do it my way then you doin it wrong,
And thats the reason why, Iraqui babies gonna cry,
And more Palestinians and Isrealies gonna die,
Thats the reason why the world is in pain,
We say we want peace fi reign, but a bullets again,
Now tell me why cant you accept me as I am,
Just the way I am now,
Tell me why cant you accept me as I am
Just the way I am woah...
(taget från letssingit.se)
Tanya Stephens har alltid ett budskap i hennes texter och jag kan säga att jag håller med om allt hon skriver!!
• Tanya Stephens

Vivienne Stephens som hon egentligen heter är en av de mest framgångsrika reggaeartister i musikvärlden som slog igenom först i början av 90-talet.
Hon är mest känd för hennes hit "it's a Pity" som gjorde henne känd världen över som en one-of-a-kind artist.
Tanyas låtar handlar om mycket party och dansande men den största delen av hennes låtar kommer in på ämnena relationer och samhällsfrågor.
Anledningen till att jag valt att skriva om henne är för att jag ser henne som en inspiration. Hon brinner så för sitt arbete, musiken, hon skriver alla sina låtar själv och har ett otroligt sätt att skriva på. Hennes texter handlar om vardagslivet, hur saker ser ut i verkligheten och inte massa "flams trams".
En text jag verkligen älskar (nedan) Can't breathe. Denna gillar jag så mycket just för att hon faktiskt skriver om hur vi tjejer ofta reagerar under denna typ av situation... Ladda ner låten (tanya stephens - Can't breathe) det rekommenderar jag, men även alla hennes andra låtar...
Can't Breathe
I guess i'm expected to say god bless you
but you left me, meh neva left you
and wa meh do rite now, meh can't even say "f" you
but meh can say dis dough
I hope u can't live without me
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't breathe
Can't get ur mind to stop thinking about me
Can't eat can't sleep, can't breathe
I hope u whine up lonely
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't breathe
Then ur gonna wish u coulda still come hold me
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't breathe
I bet u think i'm supposed to smile, put the best outside
Put on an act to protect my pride
U want me to take it like a man; but I'm a girl who cries
So if I puncture ur tires don't be too surprised
And while I'm at it, hell, I may as well key up ur car
Cause what u did to my heart thats an act of war
Well every step u take I'll be one step behind
Won't let u get me out of ur mind
I should allowed to be bitter(how not), cause its only fair( of course)
I'm falling apart, but u don't care
Why is she so happy why do you smile
And why aren't u guys fighting all the while like we did
I know it must be a charade; God please send me a shower to rain on their parade
I hope she's cheating juggling nuts like a squirrel
Better yet I hope she leaves u for a girl
cause yuh can't live widdout me
Bout you nuh wan go geh married and you would love me to be there
I woulda tell yuh somethings, but dem nah fit fo de ears
Usually me woulda say good bye and I wish you well
but not to you, I hope your life turns out to be hell
bet you think I want you to die but no, I want you to live
and suffer and cry like I did
I'm just keepin it real. Ah jus so meh feel
(Wa meh say, yow)
She can't cook like me; can't jook like me
She no know u in and out like a book like me
She no full a style like me; can't make yuh smile like me
And she can never bear beautiful child like me
She no tight like me; no fling it up right like me
And if meh buck her one her way she can't fight like me
You done know; meh say ah just so it go (of course)
Jag vet inte hur mycket ni är insatta i låtskrivande, men jag sjunger och inspireras mycket av de som skriver sitt eget. Har börjat smått att skriva mitt, det går lite trögt ibland, men har en helt låt färdig som jag e riktigt nöjd med...
Lyssna på henne och njut, försök förstå varför hon skriver som hon gör. Se budskapet!